Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tea or Chocolate???

I woke up this morning and enjoyed a wonderful cup of mint tea while going about my morning ritual.  It was delicious.  But after I had my tea, I went outside and and began to crave hot chocolate.  What is it about brisk cold weather that makes you think about the rich flavor of delicious hot chocolate???
I have been pondering this all day by the way.  Because I absolutely loved by tea this morning, it was great.  It was soothing yet gave me just that little pep to get going.  Plus it was mint, and who doesn't love mint.  Mint and chocolate would make it even better though.  Though I'm not quite sure how chocolate tea would taste???

So hot chocolate.  What makes it so appealing?  Could it be that warm comforting sensation that you get just from holding that cup and breathing in that sweet aroma...  Or is it that velvety rich chocolate flavor that makes the world stop for only a second that makes it so good?  What ever it is, its got me stumped.  I wish I could enjoy a cup, but I don't have any hot chocolate mix....  I tried doing the whole melting Hershey's kisses and mixing it with milk, but it didn't work out to well.
I remember when some friends of mine were melting chocolate in our apartment and ended up smoking the place.  How you smoke chocolate in a microwave is beyond me, but that is why you are supposed to use a stove top to melt chocolate.  I think that is going to my next project... figuring out how to melt chocolate properly so that it may be mixed with hot milk to make a delicious drink.
And then add mint.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100% on the hot chocolate...for some inexplicable reason it is just absolutely amazing. You know, I bet if you took some of that mint choc chip ice cream in your pic and put it in hot chocolate that might work to give it the minty flavor. And I mean, it's cream, so it could work, right? Could also be disasterous but why not. It won't smoke up an apartment at least. Who was that idiot that tried to melt chocolate in the microwave? I mean geez, that person probably still isn't living it down ;)
