Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Burrrr Continues

So I was thinking about it... and yes... it is cold outside, but wouldn't it be better if there were snow to go with it... 
During the week before Christmas, the east coast received a down pour of snow.  A lot of snow.  Thanks to this enormous amount of snow, I got the privilege of walking a distance over two miles in knee high snow all the way home.  And yes it was mostly an uphill battle.  Being form Tennessee originally, this was my first real blizzard.  Call me crazy, but I was excited and thought it was beautiful.  All that pure white snow....
These pictures are a couple of days later.  The snow around my apartment complex reached hip high.  Several cars had to be dug out.  It was a sad thing to watch but really funny.  This tree is on my complex.  I thought it was pretty...especially with the sun in just the right spot.
I think I would very much like to see some snow soon.  It would make this cold weather we re having at least seem legitimate.  :-)
Does anyone agree???

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