Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year Resolutions

With the change from December 31 to January 1 every man and woman who begins thinking of the New Year thinks about how they would like to do things differently.  Be it because of unpleasing circumstances from the previous year or just the desire to do things better. For me, the opportunity to do things differently is definitely a plus.  In 2009 I devoted myself entirely to working and filling my bank account.  For some this might be a good thing, but you must understand that it was an obsession for me.  I worked at least 40 hour work weeks and sometimes longer in addition to being a full time student.  In order to succeed with my goals at the time, that was the price I had to pay.  I never hung out with my friends and I rarely spoke to my family.  It was the grounding of my relationship with my current boyfriend that pulled me out of my obsession and made me realize actually how miserable I was.  And from that point I was able to take in what my friends and family had been trying to tell me for quite a while.  Don't get me wrong, the pay was great, but I rarely got to enjoy the day to day life.  I was working a job that required me to devote myself entirely to that job in order to succeed.  I don't know how I was able to maintain high grades during that time, but thank God I was.  I'm guessing that if you are obsessed in one area, that you may be able to share your obsessions in other areas.  Things now are quite a bit different.  With the obsession of course.  I have a much better job now which allows me to work flexible hours at my convenience, so now I can enjoy the day to day.  As part of my New Year changes, I am devoting part of my time every day to writing about something that struck my mind or that happened and is of some interest to talk about.  This isn't some random thing, if that is what you are guessing.  Since I want to be a writer in the future, I figured that starting with this blog would be a great place to start.  When thinking about what I wanted to focus this blog on, I remembered one of my favorite TV shows... Seinfeld.  And I thought that maybe the punch line from that show would be a basic format for me to work from.  And that is what I intend to do.  My plan is also to use this blog as a form of accountability to myself in relation to the other things I am working on this year.  They will more than likely be used as topics for later posts.  So it's bottom's up and here I go...

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