Friday, January 29, 2010

So I have been living in and attending school in Washington, DC for about 2 and a half years now.  I was walking to work today and it hit me.... like it does some people.... I am living in Washington, DC... the place I have had to learn about since I was a kid.  I looked to my right on the metro and there was the Capital Building and the Washington Monument... I looked at the metro map and I saw Annapolis and the Smithsonian and so many more.  Why is it that once you live some where for a certain period of time, that you actually forget where your living?
I decided to think about my first trip to DC.  It was about four and a half years ago.  And yes for those who did the math, my first trip to DC was not until my junior year of high school.  My elementary school was too cheep to take us on far out field trips.  But anyway... I went with my friend Brittney Hanley to the National Leadership Forum on Law which was being hosted in well, go figure, DC.  It was not a lot of fun, but I had a good time.  I was able to learn a lot, see a lot, and more importantly, got to tour the university I am currently attending.  The point of note is that I had never heard of CUA till this trip.  I was really disappointed actually because I wanted to go tour Georgetown, but my group was assigned to go see CUA.  I can say now that I am happy this was the case, but for those who know me, you understand that I was extremely pissed that I would have to go to see a Catholic school.  I mean I was furious.  But you know what, ya gotta give those Catholics some credit... they make some really nice buildings, and they let almost anyone work for them. (Note, I am laughing hysterically.  If you don't get the joke, I'm sorry.  O-well.)
I came to DC because of the opportunities that I could find here.  I was working for Starbucks and maintaining a status of a full-time student.  It was hard work, but I think it was the best way to learn about the real inner DC.  The people, the attitude, the atmosphere of the night and the day.  I was surprised that it wasn't what I had originally expected.  I thought this place would be hard core political and government stuff everywhere, but that is completely not the case.  I found out that the people who care the least about DC are the people who live within it.  They could care less what the current issue is.  All they want is their fair share.  I have really come to enjoy living here.  Though as I am sure many southern gals, like myself have come to learn, this is a nice place to stay a while, but not a place for you to settle down.  Not like I am going to be settling down anytime soon, I'm just saying is all.
At the most, I would say I have about another year and a half living in this crazy city.  Now that I have some more free time on my hands due to my current job, I am trying to take in as much as I can.  I want to have those crazy fun stories that most people have when they get old and have been rooted somewhere nice.  I have a few fun stories to tell, and I'm glad that I have some great friends of which I can live out these moments.
So that was my trip down memory lane for today.  I think I need to plan another outing with my people.  Something more indoors for now because it is freezing here.  Feels like 8 degrees and falling.

1 comment:

  1. I love moments like that, when you just stop and think of something that is part of your life everyday. Plus I'm so honored I'm in one of your pictures! Love and miss you!

