Friday, January 29, 2010

So I have been living in and attending school in Washington, DC for about 2 and a half years now.  I was walking to work today and it hit me.... like it does some people.... I am living in Washington, DC... the place I have had to learn about since I was a kid.  I looked to my right on the metro and there was the Capital Building and the Washington Monument... I looked at the metro map and I saw Annapolis and the Smithsonian and so many more.  Why is it that once you live some where for a certain period of time, that you actually forget where your living?
I decided to think about my first trip to DC.  It was about four and a half years ago.  And yes for those who did the math, my first trip to DC was not until my junior year of high school.  My elementary school was too cheep to take us on far out field trips.  But anyway... I went with my friend Brittney Hanley to the National Leadership Forum on Law which was being hosted in well, go figure, DC.  It was not a lot of fun, but I had a good time.  I was able to learn a lot, see a lot, and more importantly, got to tour the university I am currently attending.  The point of note is that I had never heard of CUA till this trip.  I was really disappointed actually because I wanted to go tour Georgetown, but my group was assigned to go see CUA.  I can say now that I am happy this was the case, but for those who know me, you understand that I was extremely pissed that I would have to go to see a Catholic school.  I mean I was furious.  But you know what, ya gotta give those Catholics some credit... they make some really nice buildings, and they let almost anyone work for them. (Note, I am laughing hysterically.  If you don't get the joke, I'm sorry.  O-well.)
I came to DC because of the opportunities that I could find here.  I was working for Starbucks and maintaining a status of a full-time student.  It was hard work, but I think it was the best way to learn about the real inner DC.  The people, the attitude, the atmosphere of the night and the day.  I was surprised that it wasn't what I had originally expected.  I thought this place would be hard core political and government stuff everywhere, but that is completely not the case.  I found out that the people who care the least about DC are the people who live within it.  They could care less what the current issue is.  All they want is their fair share.  I have really come to enjoy living here.  Though as I am sure many southern gals, like myself have come to learn, this is a nice place to stay a while, but not a place for you to settle down.  Not like I am going to be settling down anytime soon, I'm just saying is all.
At the most, I would say I have about another year and a half living in this crazy city.  Now that I have some more free time on my hands due to my current job, I am trying to take in as much as I can.  I want to have those crazy fun stories that most people have when they get old and have been rooted somewhere nice.  I have a few fun stories to tell, and I'm glad that I have some great friends of which I can live out these moments.
So that was my trip down memory lane for today.  I think I need to plan another outing with my people.  Something more indoors for now because it is freezing here.  Feels like 8 degrees and falling.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some Things Are Better As Fantasy

In my Intensive Narrative class we are currently reading Bram Stoker's Dracula.  I have read the book probably three times before this.  I absolutely love it.  Only this time, I think the book is starting to get to me.  I mean, this is the second night in a row I've waken up thinking something was knocking on my window.  Really creepy.  I'm no Lucy by all means, but I still enjoy the story.
The big thing we have been hitting on in class is the amount of male suppression expressed and how it can be interpreted into sexual contexts.  So Dracula is supposed to be the alpha dominant male and yet he carries out the projects of a common woman.  He is always indoors, until he gets to London.  He is quiet and passes through the crowd without ever getting noticed.  So many female qualities in a male master.  What is Stoker saying?  Is Dracula supposed to be the entity created by an equality society?  I'm not too sure, but either way, he still is a great character.  He freaks us out because he is beyond the male and female perspective.  He is something else.  We fear the possibility of his kind being real, and we are comforted in knowing it is only a story.  It is because of the story we are drawn in.  And if you are like me you will keep coming back.  No matter how freaky it might be.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tea or Chocolate???

I woke up this morning and enjoyed a wonderful cup of mint tea while going about my morning ritual.  It was delicious.  But after I had my tea, I went outside and and began to crave hot chocolate.  What is it about brisk cold weather that makes you think about the rich flavor of delicious hot chocolate???
I have been pondering this all day by the way.  Because I absolutely loved by tea this morning, it was great.  It was soothing yet gave me just that little pep to get going.  Plus it was mint, and who doesn't love mint.  Mint and chocolate would make it even better though.  Though I'm not quite sure how chocolate tea would taste???

So hot chocolate.  What makes it so appealing?  Could it be that warm comforting sensation that you get just from holding that cup and breathing in that sweet aroma...  Or is it that velvety rich chocolate flavor that makes the world stop for only a second that makes it so good?  What ever it is, its got me stumped.  I wish I could enjoy a cup, but I don't have any hot chocolate mix....  I tried doing the whole melting Hershey's kisses and mixing it with milk, but it didn't work out to well.
I remember when some friends of mine were melting chocolate in our apartment and ended up smoking the place.  How you smoke chocolate in a microwave is beyond me, but that is why you are supposed to use a stove top to melt chocolate.  I think that is going to my next project... figuring out how to melt chocolate properly so that it may be mixed with hot milk to make a delicious drink.
And then add mint.  :-)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Don't Say It Unless You Mean It

The thing that has been really bothering me lately is how people will say things that they don't mean and they think that no one cares.  I hate it when people tell me that they are going to do something and then they never start.  Or when someone says that they will meet you somewhere and then they never call to tell you they can't make it.
Why is it so hard to do what you say you are going to do???
(Will continue this later)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

RIP Dave

Tonight I attended a party devoted to our friend who passed away on Christmas Eve. Well, in truth he did not pass away but he died in a car accident.  His name was David, and we wanted to be a healer, a doctor.  He is remembered by all to be an amazing friend and a devoted person.  He was truly the nicest guy you could ever meet.  I first met him in one of my classes at CUA my freshman year.  He was witty and charming.  Not really class clown, but he could make you smile even when what he was saying wasn't all that funny.  He wasn't one of those guys who stood out in a crowd, he sort of blended in, but for those who knew him, he was a comforting when you were alone in a crowd.  I did not get to know him that well in classes, but it just so happened that he was also really great friends with my boyfriend, so I got to see him quite often outside of school.  The greatest thing about Dave was that he was there.  He wasn't just that guy you know and never saw.  When he was in a room, he wouldn't ignore you.  He talked to everyone and made everyone feel welcome.  I'm trying to write down  what I remember of Dave, but it's kind of hard.  All I can do is smile as the memories of things he did flow through my head.  The world lost a great kid on Christmas Eve.  He really wanted to help the world.  There aren't enough guys like him here, it's sad that he couldn't complete what he wanted.  But at least he got to help a girl like me, and the many others who claim to be his friend.  I hope you are comfortable where ever you are Dave.  And I hope you know that did wonders in this world, you made us smile.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Man Wairing No Shoes

On my way out of class today I came across a group of guys walking around with no shoes on.  It's around 40 degrees outside and these guys are walking around on cold non-swept pavement.  I can imagine that their feet consist of nothing but hardness.  Does this make sense to anyone???
I understand the whole wanting to be closer to nature thing, but dang.  From what I know of these guys, they are allowed to walk around campus that way, but once they get into a building that have to put on flip flops or something.  Does that really do anything???  I mean their feet are probably no dirtier than the bottom  of our shoes.  Which is worse... these guys walking around campus with out shoes on or walking around in doors without shoes on?  Personally I love walking around indoors without shoes on,... saves the carpet.  :-)
So, what about getting sick?  I know that if I were to walk around in cold weather without covering my feet that I would be sick within the first few days, if not that first night after attempting such a thing. 
Well, to each his own I guess.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Burrrr Continues

So I was thinking about it... and yes... it is cold outside, but wouldn't it be better if there were snow to go with it... 
During the week before Christmas, the east coast received a down pour of snow.  A lot of snow.  Thanks to this enormous amount of snow, I got the privilege of walking a distance over two miles in knee high snow all the way home.  And yes it was mostly an uphill battle.  Being form Tennessee originally, this was my first real blizzard.  Call me crazy, but I was excited and thought it was beautiful.  All that pure white snow....
These pictures are a couple of days later.  The snow around my apartment complex reached hip high.  Several cars had to be dug out.  It was a sad thing to watch but really funny.  This tree is on my complex.  I thought it was pretty...especially with the sun in just the right spot.
I think I would very much like to see some snow soon.  It would make this cold weather we re having at least seem legitimate.  :-)
Does anyone agree???

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wow its Cold

I think I have to figure out a new way to bundle up in the mornings.  On my way to school this morning, I swear, I actually started shaking it was so cold.  I am wearing a long winter coat with extra big scarf, gloves, and a hat that somewht covers my ears.  It just doesn't seem like enough.  Burrrrrrrr.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

To Be Compared To His Mother's

After slaving in the kitchen for several hours in order to prepare a special meal for that special person in your life, there is one comment that will kill any satisfaction that you might have for, in your eyes, succeeding in your endeavor: "My mother's taste better."
Now in order to be a great cook in the kitchen you must be able to take criticisms on the dishes you have prepared.  "This tastes over done, under cooked, too salty, flat, somethings missing..."  These are all basic criticisms to work off of.  But just saying that another person's dish tastes better is not productive.  You are not saying that it is good or bad, just that someone else does it better than you just did.  That hurts.
I have been experiencing this type of critical response for the past 7 months.  I in my 21yrs experience am currently being compared to a mothers 50yrs of experience.  That is 29 more yrs of learning how to make dishes just right in order to please everyone over my own.  And may I say that that is not fair.  Yes this may be my first attempt at making this dish, but at least I am trying.  I can think of a few women in the world who no matter what they make, you won't want to even try the finished dish.  At least the dish that I am presenting is edible.
I have come to believe that those men who only taste dishes in comparison to their mothers are in a sense "momma's boys."  These men are incapable of recognizing the effort that was put in by another woman in making a dish that they knew was a favorite of his.  You might think this is a little harsh, but I ask, isn't it in a sense true?  Some guys may come around and say thank you for the meal or that it was ok, but it still is nothing of a response that you had set on your good to bad meter.
Last night was the first time I got an actual response from my lover about the meal I prepared that actually helped me.  He had been gone for almost a  week on an engineering trip and had explained to me over the phone that he was not having a good time and couldn't wait to come home to me.  So I in my pleasing spirits decided to make one of his favorite meals, which his mother explained to me several months ago how to make.  He was surprised to see that I had attempted it.  And then after he tasted it he actually said it was good.  If you are thinking that maybe he came around and noticed I do not cook the same way his mother does, you would be wrong.  While at the dinner table he explained to me that his mother told him he could not keep criticizing my meals based off hers, that it was rude.  And then he smiled at me.  Thanks mom, I guess.

(This seems a bit like a rambling blog.  I'll try not to do that anymore.  But I can guarantee that this topic will be brought up again.)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year Resolutions

With the change from December 31 to January 1 every man and woman who begins thinking of the New Year thinks about how they would like to do things differently.  Be it because of unpleasing circumstances from the previous year or just the desire to do things better. For me, the opportunity to do things differently is definitely a plus.  In 2009 I devoted myself entirely to working and filling my bank account.  For some this might be a good thing, but you must understand that it was an obsession for me.  I worked at least 40 hour work weeks and sometimes longer in addition to being a full time student.  In order to succeed with my goals at the time, that was the price I had to pay.  I never hung out with my friends and I rarely spoke to my family.  It was the grounding of my relationship with my current boyfriend that pulled me out of my obsession and made me realize actually how miserable I was.  And from that point I was able to take in what my friends and family had been trying to tell me for quite a while.  Don't get me wrong, the pay was great, but I rarely got to enjoy the day to day life.  I was working a job that required me to devote myself entirely to that job in order to succeed.  I don't know how I was able to maintain high grades during that time, but thank God I was.  I'm guessing that if you are obsessed in one area, that you may be able to share your obsessions in other areas.  Things now are quite a bit different.  With the obsession of course.  I have a much better job now which allows me to work flexible hours at my convenience, so now I can enjoy the day to day.  As part of my New Year changes, I am devoting part of my time every day to writing about something that struck my mind or that happened and is of some interest to talk about.  This isn't some random thing, if that is what you are guessing.  Since I want to be a writer in the future, I figured that starting with this blog would be a great place to start.  When thinking about what I wanted to focus this blog on, I remembered one of my favorite TV shows... Seinfeld.  And I thought that maybe the punch line from that show would be a basic format for me to work from.  And that is what I intend to do.  My plan is also to use this blog as a form of accountability to myself in relation to the other things I am working on this year.  They will more than likely be used as topics for later posts.  So it's bottom's up and here I go...