Saturday, August 14, 2010

What Is Your Word?

So the girls and I recently decided to read Elizabeth Gilbert's book Eat Pray Love and there was a section of the book which particularly struck a cord with me.  In the book Elizabeth, while in Italy, goes through a situation where she and her companions contemplate what a city/person/country's word is.  For example, when discussing the word for the Vatican, one might think FAITH, but instead the Italians explained it was POWER... and as a non-catholic I can see how it is power over faith.  Religion is a business first you know.  When you think of New York City, the words ACHIEVE and SUCCEED tingle the mind the most.  And then the punch line for the whole thing was that Rome's word was SEX, and Elizabeth was definitely not indulging in that word just yet.
But back to my point, when you really think of someone or someplace or something there is usually that word or set of words which helps you think of or describe said person/place/thing, right?  So one thought led to another and it got me wondering what was my word?
I am a daughter, sister, friend, lover, writer, reader, scholar, giver, researcher, but those words describe only a small part of me... what I am, what I do, but not who I am.  Now if your thinking anything along the same lines I did, you be tossing the ideas of how can you really pick one word to describe you? didn't it take a long period of time before people could really give it a word? who decides that word? me? my friends and family?
It's really a brain teaser ain't it?  Well, at this point in time I can't even come close to really thinking about my word, but I just thought I would throw that idea out there.

Happy reading folks.
 This looks like it would be a great thinking spot to contemplate that word.


  1. Random thought... Should we ever really have that one word that defines us? I am being serious here. We as human beings put yourselves in little boxes all the time that we try and conform too. Why can't we be our own unique person and be undefinable? There are many things that encompass a person as you said. You can be a mother, sister, writer, lover, spritual etc. Why can't you be all those things?

  2. I believe that we can. When you look back on a period of your life, isn't there a word or a phrase that you believe might sum it all up so you don't have to give a long and extensive explanation? For example, every time I think back on my childhood, from as far back as I can remember to when I was about eight or nine I think, the word that always comes to mind is LIES. And then through out my teenager years, it would have to be DRAMATIC or TRAGEDY. Don't get me wrong, I do have some happy memories, it's just that when I look at it as a whole, that's what I think. To define myself in high school, well that's easy... OVERACHIEVER. I always believed that I had something to prove, that life was this big competition and I refused to come even close to last, even though I doubted that I could be in first.
    Maybe that's the thing with this book, you really do have to look back and find your word, unless you are the same type of person that you were back then. I know we all go through changes of some sort, but there are a few people I know that I am willing to bet haven't changed a bit since childhood. If you are like me, maybe you are in search of your word, like you are in search for finding yourself... really defining yourself. The daughter, sister, lover, friend, writer, etc... are all descriptive parts of me, but they don't really define me. When I look back on my college experience this next year, I am sure that there will be a word which defines me then...
    Think it over.

  3. I see more your point. There are sometimes when you just don't want to explain things and just give that one word that people can relate too that defines a certain amount of time. I do think that there is this core self that never really changes that stays the same however gets added too as you go through the unique experiences that each person does. I bet when you were a little girl you found solace in books, writing when the world became to difficult to bear. You probably have seen the bigger picture then the other people around you. You are still that way from what i have seen and you are 22. After having sometime to reflect on the movie/ book and I have actually started reading the second book ( I promise that I will be finished it when you guys are) we all are searching for who we are. There are some that have a better idea on what they want. I know that I have wanted to work for something like I currently do since I was 12 years old. Some don't know what they are going to do next year. I think this upcoming will be a turning point for all of us where we get a better idea on who we are and what we want.

  4. Time for someone older to comment here. Yes, we are constantly changing and growing. Who we are is evolving daily. Sometimes hourly or even moment to moment. If you are not growing and learning, you are dieing. Literally. I believe your word can change, but I also think you are who you are in your core. Digging that deep to find your word is hard. Who you are at your core never changes. It is who God made you to be. Good luck to all who are brave enough to start digging.
    Jackie (Jess's MOM)
