Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Attempting To See The Good

One of the truths about life is that it is extremely complex.  Intertwined with the good is the bad,and with the bad the good. Life is of course then never easy. We will view things as easier than others,but life is complicated and hard.  Sometimes it is hard to make basic decisions,but then it is easy to make life changing decisions. Or the other way around,which for most is the easier.
What I have been thinking about the last couple of days is being optimistic.  For most of the people I know this is an easy task, but then for those chosen few, this is a complication within their life... basically they can't see what everyone else does. I have made a point in my adult life to stick to being optimistic because being depressed all the time in my mind is no way to live.  I'm not saying that I never get depressed, because I do. I just choose not to dwell on it, or I am trying really damn hard to avoid it.
So let's face it. There are a lot of shitty things going on for the young adults today.  The job market basically sucks.  So you are forced to decide between your happiness at home or trying to do something new somewhere else where you are not as familiar.  Some of you,like myself have no issue with this. You are willing to run into the distance and take on what ever challenges the world has out there for you. But then there are those of you who no matter what your circumstances are now want to run home as soon as you can.  And well, though I might not agree with your decision, it might be the best thing for you. Truth is, that some people just weren't meant to leave their family nest. And that is sad I think. I am not saying that there is something wrong with having roots. Everyone just has to make up their mind on whether they want to stick to the roots their parents set for them, or whether or not you want to stand up for yourself and set up your own roots.
If you decided to go to college and your parents are not paying your way, then you are putting yourself further and further into dept with college loans.  That is the case the case for me. Since I decided not to stay in TN and spread my wings elsewhere, I am well...... very very in dept to the government and Sallie Mae.  On top of that I decided to get a vehicle because I needed to be able to move around on more than just the metro and my own two feet.  That set me a few thousand back, and now I am having to pay for insurance and gas.  Yeah so I have a lot against my name right now, and guess what ... that is ok.  Everyone doesn't start out rich out their asses to where they really don't have to work for anything.  Getting in dept and paying it off is a cycle of modern life.  It symbolizes accomplishment. If you have to work for what you have, then you will appreciate things in life more than those people who just have stuff handed to them.  Because I am having to work off my education, I understand what separates me from other people.  I realize that not everyone got the chance to do what I am doing, and some people had to settle when I decided not to.  Not that everyone did, but what I am doing sets me apart... just like everyone else who is trying to do things completely on their own.  Now a few of my friends still depend on their families because the opportunity for them to get away just hasn't opened. To you I say keep doin what you have to for yourself.  If you keep pushing,your door will open and you will be free to make your own mistakes and truly live your own life.
So I guess in conclusion people, I am saying give life a chance.  You might not be in the situation you want to be in, but keep pushing and eventually you will.  Take the time to realize what you have and embrace it. Discover your strengths and revel in them.  Do what it takes so you can stand strong on your own and be proud of yourself.  Be able to smile at life, even though it might not be smiling on you now.


  1. I am very much in agreement with you. The best things that you can do is to feel accomplished in being able to do things yourself. To be able to stand on your own two feet even if it maybe scary can be the most satisfying. I still get a satisfaction being able to pay for my own groceries on my own or even being able to buy things that make me happy. I have learned the hard way that in reality being dependent on yourself can be scary but it can bring you the most peace.
    Another thing I have learned is that you have to keep moving. No matter what has happened or how much life has hurt you. Because it may take awhile but things eventually settle out. People need to know that the real world awaits them and have to face it guns ablazing. There is only so far you can hide before you have to own up to yourself.
    Some really crappy things have happened since I have started college. Some things I wish have never happened and I wish I could have maybe have made a different decision. However those things needed to happen for me to grow as a person.... Growth is something we all need to do even if its scary.

  2. What we think, we become. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. - The Buddha
