Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Us vs. The Rest of the World

It seems lately that I have had to have several conversations with people on how it is that the world seems to be fighting against us.  The idea that the world is pushing against all efforts and that no matter what we do, we seem to not be able to out-wit the world.  But I wonder, is this really the case?  Can the world really fight against you when all there is is what you and your elders have put into it?

In order to explain my advice, I must define some key terms.
So what exactly is the "world"?  I have come to understand it as everyone else who inhabits this planet besides ourselves.  It also may include the natural forces of nature of which we can influence,sorta,but can not actually manipulate or change.  It or they are everything else that affects our daily lives and decisions. For example, the oil spill in the Gulf is explained to be a man-made natural disaster.  Because of this open oil field which has been continuously spilling into our ocean for more than a month now, we can not really take and beach vacations to the Gulf. The contamination in the water is due to man's desire for oil with out any true means of control. There have been several efforts to decrease or stop the flow of oil,but it seems that all we are doing is making it worse.
What is the connection between us and the actions of other people?  I find this explanation to be the hardest. We are our own individuals who are responsible for our own personal actions. This applies to every human being on this planet. Now some actions are group efforts,like a team sport or an organized group event, and some individual actions affect groups outside of themselves,like suicide bombings.  Whether we want to admit it or not,our own personal actions in some way or another affect the lives of everyone else in the world. It is a grand concept, I know, but it doesn't make it any less true.  Here is a small example:
You go to the grocery store and you purchase and apple. Now in purchasing that one apple you have actually done several things. 1-you provided profit for the store in which you purchased the apple, 2-you provided a profit for the farm which grew the apple, 3-you increased the demand for more apples from that farm and that store, 4-you have given the opportunity for the clerk to do there job and then receive a pay check for that work. That is just a bit of the financial side of it I believe. For the more natural side of things: this can go either of the two ways...1-you have purchased something that once you have finished eating may be ground up and used as plant food with the rest of your fruit and vegetable mush or 2-if you toss the apple in the trash,you are providing job opportunities for garbage personnel and garbage separators.  For you personally  you have chosen something healthy which will not add to the luxury of your waist line and will help keep the doctor away.
Now my advice. I like to keep an optomistic point of view when it comes to our lives and the lives of others. It keeps things a lot less stressful, if you know what I mean.  In a sense,it is us against the world, but you must understand that this is nothing to be afraid of because everyone else is in the same shoes that you are.  Everyone no matter who they are,where they live,what their job is, who their family is, none of it matters.  These things can help when it comes to certain situations you face in your life,but the bottom line is it is you against the world. Now I hate having to pull the God card, but it apparently really helps with some people. You should know the line.... God will never give you more than you can handle. For some that is all they need to hear because of their unexplainable faith in whatever their god of choice may be. But for others,like myself,I like to explain things in a more we are the natural wonders of the world sort of thing.
Man was once just a cave creature. It roamed from place to place living off of natural animal instincts. Then when it was time, either by accident or inspiration, man created fire,he created the wheel,clothing,and on and on and on up till now where we are using almost completely man made everything for everything in our lives. We, man, are adapters and creators. Some of us might not think of ourselves as master inventors but we can adapt better than any other creature on earth. Whether it be family,financial,job,or relationships, or any other life situation, we will have something put on our plates,then we will continue on. We will fix,compromise, reconsider,change,give up, rethink, learn.... whatever it takes to keep us on our feet,that is what we will do. The fact is,some events hurt more than others,and it might take a little more umph to get us back on our feet and on our way. The goal/point is that we do it. We do to succeed. We do to accomplish. We do to live.

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