Monday, May 9, 2011

This Semester Kicked My Ass

Wow... so after 4 very long months, I realized I couldn't right a damn thing.  I spent all semester writing one page blurbs for a misadvertised Theology courseresearching and writing annotated bibliographies for Senior Seminar, and spending God knows how many hours in a dark room sniffing developing chemicals.  My creativity was all used up for my Creative Writing Course, which I believe every English major should take in their senior year.  It's a wonderful load off the brain.  And now... I'm DONE!!!  I have completed my Undergraduate Bachelor Education!!!  I almost don't know what to do with my time.  Well, I  know what I am going to do... I am going to work everyday, build up my bank account, find a graduate program designed just for me, try and get a job with a publishing company... or something.  

Now I am trying to figure out how to give my dog a hair cut without having to go to a salon and spend 100 something bucks to have her look cute and functional.  I need to rearrange my room so I can give my roommate privacy when she takes a shower and I'm in bed.  I also need to figure out how I want to continue as a writer... a reader... something.  I love my job as a research analyst, but it's time to embrace my calling, or at least try my damnedest. Well... on to something...

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