Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Not Going According To Plan

So as most people discover when they make a set of long term plans,.... things don't always go according to plan.  This can of course be very very stressful and unwanted.  But as most persons learn, there is nothing you can really do about it.  Things will happen.  That's life.
I intended to keep to this blog like a ritual, but life kicked in and said that there are more important things right now,.... or well some not as important but will be complications any way. 
Here is the gist of my situation: It seems that not a day can go by that I don't have some type of argument with my boyfriend, who I am living with.  This really sucks and is a drag for my mojo.  Classes are over-all going well enough... midterms are coming up in the next week.  I just had a very excited friend turn 21, of which we through an awesome party for her.  Sadly my calves were killing me after wards, but that was expected and did not diminish the awesome time we had.  And I am getting back in contact with some of my closest friends from high school.
Things just haven't been going the way I have wanted them too.  I still have to do my taxes, which I am not looking forward to.  Lately I have been wanting to dance, like I used to.  I can't compete in ballroom competitions anymore because of my knee, and I can't participate in the club because I, in all honesty, do not have the time, but I really really miss dancing.  I had a ton of fun at my friends 21st party because I was able to dance a lot with people.  It was like letting out all the tension I had built up to that point.  It was invigorating and releasing all at once.  I know I need to start it up again and I sort of have a plan, which I will describe later.
Well, that's been the recent activity.  Hopefully I can try to get things back under my control at least for a little while.

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