Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Here Comes More White Stuff...

I have now entered onto day 6 of no school.  I have completed all of the reading assignments assigned to me for this school week.  And I have cleaned the apartment as if it were spring cleaning. Except there are two trash bags sitting in my dinning room because I am afraid of going outside to try and put them in the dumpster. (and its not like I could ask Vinny for any help)  I fear that cabin fever has started to kick in.
The wind outside is rather harsh.  According to the weather people, I have 30 to 40 mile an hour winds outside.  I can definitely believe it.  As of right now, the wind flow is blowing against the back side of my apartment, which consists of 4 glass windows that where not completed sealed on.  All morning I have had to listen to them creak.  It's kinda freaky.  I attempted to distract myself by cleaning the apartment... which I believe turned out rather well.  The only issue was that I decided to ask Vinny to help with the living room since that is where his ass has been glued since he got back from the firehouse.  I asked him to help and his response was that of a slave speaking to a slave driver, though I guarantee you that no slave would have taken that tone with its master.  In the end I had to attempt to clean the living room.  It was not taken care of to my satisfaction because he was watching a movie and in order to prevent further confrontation I decided to leave it bee till later.  The only thing he put effort into cleaning was the tv, but then he left the dust cloth lying next to the tv, which left more work for me.  It seems I have to take up after him lately as if he were a child.  Its pathetic.  But I have to because i don't want this place looking like the house on Channing Street (Vinny's old residence).  I am proud of where I live, I just hate the fact that it seems I'm the only one taking care of it.
Thanks mom for teaching me how to take care of my own things.  And leaving me no other choice.  I pity the people who can't take care of themselves.  Because eventually they will be left alone and they will see how little they are actually prepared for this world, then they will probably run home to their mothers.
Snow please stop!!!! I need to get out of here!!! 

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