Saturday, September 15, 2012

Everyone Needs A Little Routine

They say practice makes perfect, but what they don't say is that half the battle is the desire to practice.  If you are like me, you enjoy creating routines, you need to practice something.  However, sometimes you just want to stay in bed, you want to watch the next episode of that TV show, you want to sit and do nothing.  But once you get a taste of doing nothing, it can be hard to get back up and get back into the routines, to start practicing again.
Lately, getting back into my practice has been the hardest thing I am trying to do, even harder than getting a second job.  My practices include yoga, running, training my two silly dogs, and studying Italian.  I am a workaholic, so in order for me to avoid my practices, I work.  I choose to accept this because I love my job.  I believe that all the work I do for my job contributes to a great cause, educating others.  So being the logic based person that I am, I argue that if I am doing good for others, then I am doing good for myself.  But here's the thing, you have to have a balance of what you do for others and what you do for yourself.  You have to take care of yourself.  You have to invest time in yourself so that you can be at your best if you choose to help others.
So what is the point of this post you might ask?
Honestly, part of it is to guilt trip myself into getting myself back into my 5am run.  Another part is to try and put out a little inspiration for others.  Truth be told, it's hard as hell to get our acts together.  Why put in all the effort when you can just do nothing... it's so much easier, don't you think?  But then we would be rather dull, and fat, and boring.  People like that are sad and a bit pathetic.  Do you want to be like that?  I sure as hell don't.  I'm not going to give a Carpe Diem speech, because those annoy me.  Yes they can be inspirational, but we need to be better than that.  Make up your own mind.  Make your own choice.  What do you want to do?
Don't you think it's time you started doing it?