Thursday, August 23, 2012

Beginning To Feel Like Fall

It is finally coming to my favorite time of year.  We are reaching the end of summer, beginning of fall, which means chilly mornings, warm days, and cool evenings.  It would be so much nicer if I had patio furniture so that I could enjoy the cool breezes while drinking ice tea and reading my newest novel choice, or studying Italian, which is probably more likely right now.  Since I am in the south, this is also the time for high school football.  I am an alumni of Station Camp High School, but I have a feeling going to Hendersonville High School games will be much more entertaining.
I have a feeling it is going to be another beautiful day, so to everyone, I request that you all enjoy the fresh air.  Take the time to go for a walk, maybe even a run.  Find a patio and drink something cold with a friend or group of friends while discussing old times, new things, fun ideas, or make plans for even more people.  Or if you are like me and just want to enjoy the sounds of nature and solitude, grab a book and find a bench at a park and people watch while you immerse yourself in a story.
Carpe Diem.